Grantmaking & Impact Report

Courtesy of PBS SoCal

Since the pandemic, at least one out of every four students has been chronically absent from school. And when students are present, a sizeable group are not engaged in grade-level learning: fewer than two in 10 strongly agree that what they’re learning feels important, interesting, or challenging.

That’s why we’re here.

Letter from Our Executive Director

Friends and colleagues,

It’s my honor to welcome you to Overdeck Family Foundation’s 2024 Grantmaking & Impact Report, our fourth annual celebration of grantee successes and advancements.

In this report, we highlight how our grantmaking and strategic support helped our nonprofit partners develop exciting prototypes and innovative practices, engage in field-building research, and achieve growth in 2024. These stories are complemented by insights from the founders at the forefront of this work and the beneficiaries on the ground whose lives and learning experiences have been transformed as a result.

Looking back on this past year, I’m struck by the resilience we witnessed across the Pre-K-12 education sector as we collectively navigated how to best meet the increasingly complex needs of students, educators, and families. I’m extremely proud of my team’s ability to flexibly navigate and adapt to a constantly shifting landscape—a theme you’ll also see later on—and am endlessly inspired by our grantee partners who persevered to accelerate improvement in key academic and socioemotional outcomes for children despite obstacles in their way.

Through the ups and downs, there were pockets of brilliance, entrepreneurship, and impact that continued to give me hope and reaffirmed the importance of this work at a time when it’s needed more than ever. It stands to reason that 2024 was our largest grantmaking year since the Foundation’s inception: we disbursed $63.5 million to 106 grantee partners, collectively reaching approximately 75 million children nationwide, many of whom received support from more than one grantee.

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Anu Malipatil
Anu Malipatil

Highlights From Our Year

In 2024, we dedicated grantmaking dollars and strategic support to addressing some of the most urgent challenges facing our grantees and the education sector. Explore key moments from the year below.

By the Numbers

2024 total disbursement
Grant funding by typeGrant funding by type

106 grantees supported

45 new grants

84% of grants primarily benefit historically disadvantaged groups

Grant funding by lever
71% Direct Impact27% Ecosystem2% Other
Organizational stage
23% Early stage64% Growth stage13% Late stage
Ecosystem grants by type
51% Policy and Field Building27% Knowledge Generation22% Validation

million children reached

grantees increased reach

grantees increased earned revenue

Supported grantees to strengthen 41 capacities and attract $67.8m in public and private funding


prototypes generated

early stage organizations funded


21 validation and research studies completed

3 grantees increased ESSA tier

13 grantees meet top two ESSA tier standards

Tier 22
Tier 111

Impact Overview


educators with opportunity for improved teaching practicesDiane MartindaleMeet Diane
families with opportunity for improved parenting practicesKatrina BranchMeet Katrina
children with opportunity for accelerated academic and/or social-emotional achievementTammy SilaMeet Tammy
Diane Martindale
Diane MartindaleSuperintendent, Birch Run, MI

We went through quite a process to select ST Math as the best option for our practitioners, and it has paid dividends. My goal is to think of the future and the present for my young learners. I want to help them build resilience and skills that are highly important for them in a global world—ST Math helps us accomplish this.

Katrina Branch
Katrina BranchParent, Washington, DC

That first home visit over the summer turned out to be a great opportunity for me and the rest of the kids in the household. The visit was awesome. The teachers and I became friends. It was a relationship . . . I learned that hopes and dreams are important for parents to think about. I learned there’s so much work to be done to take care of kids’ social-emotional needs.

Tammy Sila
Tammy SilaTeacher, Whiting, IA

It was only my second year of STEM club. I was still trying to get it organized and find things that keep the kids interested . . .  I wasn’t getting support for resources and what to do with them. Someone recommended Science Buddies to me, and it has basically everything I had been trying to do on my own. If it wasn’t for Science Buddies, we wouldn’t have continued STEM club.


  • Early ImpactEarly Impact

    Early Impact

    Creating strong foundations for early learning.

    14 states and Washington, DC

    signed on to the challenge of reducing chronic absence by 50% in 5 years

    33% reduced likelihood

    of participants in the CenteringPregnancy program having babies that are small for gestational age

    2-3.5 months

    of additional learning in foundational literacy skills for children participating in SEEDS programs

    97% of families

    surveyed report that they were able to resolve their education-related challenge with EdNavigator’s help

    1,400+ early childhood educators

    received guided learning support to enhance the quality of interactions with young children

    40,000+ visitors

    to the IMPACT website as of February 2024

    950+ million media impressions

    from articles referencing I-LABS research in 2024 

    21,000+ Pre-K students

    received supports to strengthen literacy and social-emotional skills 

    141,000 children

    gained access to new playgrounds in 2024

    1.8x higher likelihood

    of demonstrating kindergarten readiness in language and literacy skills for children in preschool classrooms participating in LENA Grow, compared to demographically similar comparison group children

    94% of administrators and educators

    who learned about Family Engagement Solutions during a National PTA workshop reported they were more likely to partner with an evidence-based family engagement program

    12 percentile point

    improvement in language skills for children at 4 years old

    24% lower likelihood

    of reading below grade level in 2nd grade for children in ParentCorps-enhanced Pre-K relative to children in traditional Pre-K

    6 percentage point

    improvement in reading proficiency for students attending schools that systematically implemented PTHV, compared to schools that did not 

    24,000 children

    gained access to innovative playspaces shown to be associated with stronger STEM language and engagement in 2023-24

    $20 million+

    in funding accelerated to high-impact early childhood organizations in the Promise network through venture coaching and direct funder connections

    18 percentage point

    improvement in 1st grade Raising a Reader participants’ likelihood of reading on grade level, compared to families who do not access the program

    27% increase

    in odds that caregivers participating in Reach Out and Read look at or read books with their child every day, compared to families that did not receive books from the program

    113,000 families

    with infants/toddlers served through public-private partnerships supported by FUEL in 2023-24

    1-3 months

    of additional learning in language and literacy skills for students attending Springboard Summer, compared to those who did not attend

    24% reduction

    in student absenteeism rates in schools adopting TalkingPoints, versus those not using TalkingPoints

    6,350,345 children

    impacted by family-friendly executive and administrative actions and legislative bills in 14 states

    63% of children

    who had Tools in their kindergarten Title 1 classrooms met or exceeded 2nd grade end-of-year literacy expectations, compared to 54% of children who did not have Tools

    Up to 5 months

    of additional learning in foundational literacy skills associated with kindergarten readiness

  • Exceptional EducatorsExceptional Educators

    Exceptional Educators

    Improving teacher engagement and practice.

    1,300+ teachers

    across 150 schools work in Next Education Workforce team-based staffing models to better meet the needs of more than 28,000 P-12 learners

    93% of educators

    felt prepared to teach students with learning disabilities by the end of 2023, compared to 17% of educators nationally

    124 of the largest 200 districts,

    representing 9.8 million students, report using EdReports to guide curricular decisions 

    170 school systems,

    serving over 8,300 schools and 5 million students, supported to transform schooling through strategic resource allocation and use

    2x faster growth

    in academic achievement for students in schools randomly assigned to receive Leading Educators professional learning supports, compared to students in control group schools

    70+ school and district leaders

    participated in the Family Engagement Learning Institute, helping them elevate family engagement as an instructional strategy that directly impacts student learning and well-being

    89% of teachers

    reported being able to differentiate instruction effectively, versus 44% of comparison teachers in the same schools

    148 districts

    across the country provided data to inform recommendations on policy opportunities and barriers for strategic staffing at the district and state level 

    290 schools

    using real-time data to establish classroom conditions linked to accelerated learning and a higher likelihood of students earning As and Bs

    1.5 years

    of math and ELA learning gains per year, on average, for students taught by Multi-Classroom Leader teams, reaching 200,000 students in 2024-25

    123 entities,

    including 7 member organizations, 83 affiliates, 12 districts, and 21 researchers, working to advance scalable, impactful professional learning

    3x improvement

    in K-2 literacy in Teaching Lab-supported districts in NYC during SY 2023-24

    100,000+ students

    reached by more than 4,000 teachers receiving high-quality, evidence-based professional learning supports to enhance ELA and math outcomes 

    12 state-level policy wins

    that influenced field conditions to increase the adoption of strategic staffing models

  • Innovative SchoolsInnovative Schools

    Innovative Schools

    Supporting student-centered learning environments.

    33 tutoring providers

    and 5 states received over $10 million to make high-impact tutoring sustainable and cost-effective for more than 250,000 students across 23 states

    7 percentile point 

    improvement in 4th-8th grade students’ math skills, compared to control group students

    6.8 percentage point

    improvement in math proficiency for students at schools that used ANet assessments alongside a high-quality math curriculum and professional learning, compared to those who did not

    60% improvement

    in math scores for 7th grade students in classrooms using ASSISTments, compared to students in control group classrooms

    60+ district, state, and federal policymakers;

    edtech innovators; and education advocates convened to identify and disseminate strategies for leveraging genAI to drive meaningful change in education

    2.1 months

    of additional learning in reading for middle school students whose teachers used CommonLit360, compared to those who did not

    86% of teachers

    agreed the Fishtank curricula built their understanding of specific content and made them more excited about the content they were teaching

    30+ briefings and public speaking engagements

    with Congressional staff; national, regional, and local education policymakers; and nonprofits on the future of high-impact tutoring

    ~20% higher-than-expected learning gains

    after using Khan Academy for 30+ minutes per week, as measured by performance on the nationally normed MAP Growth Assessment

    2x faster growth

    in foundational literacy skills for struggling readers who used Magpie at or above the recommended dosage, compared to similarly skilled readers who used Magpie at lower than recommended levels

    5,731 participants

    learned about best practices for high-impact tutoring through webinars and conferences

    Up to 2 months

    of additional learning in foundational literacy skills for K-2 students receiving 1:1 virtual tutoring, compared to a control group

    73 Net Promoter Score

    from pilot curriculum-based professional learning workshops in math in 2023 and 2024

    20% more questions solved

    by students in PLUS Tutoring, compared to other demographically and academically similar students from the same schools

    25% improvement

    in writing skills for students assigned to use Quill, compared to those who did not use the program

    ~100,000 high-poverty NYC students

    learned to read using blended literacy models seeded by Robin Hood

    1 additional year

    of math learning for 9th grade students from low-income families participating in Saga’s hybrid tutoring model, compared to students who did not receive any Saga tutoring

    $18.1 million

    in outcomes-based contracts established, with 40% contingent on achieving outcomes for students

    14 percentile point

    improvement in math proficiency for 3rd-5th grade students in schools adopting ST Math, compared to students in comparison schools

    909 schools

    have been nominated for The Canopy Project by their peers since its inception

    70%+ of community-based educators

    report interest in pursuing additional educational roles, training, and certification after participating in a Throughline Learning program 

    111 communities

    supported by Transcend to implement blended learning practices and/or edtech products that improve learning experiences for students

    2.5x growth

    in state assessment scores for Nebraska elementary- and middle-school students who used Zearn Math with fidelity (3+ grade-level digital lessons weekly), compared to demographically and academically similar students who did not use Zearn

  • Inspired MindsInspired Minds

    Inspired Minds

    Inspiring young minds through hands-on STEM learning.

    $73.5 million

    in new funding for afterschool programs across Illinois, New York, and Pennsylvania

    125,000 youth

    built academic and life skills through the work of 185 out-of-school time partners utilizing Arly, BellXcel’s youth development platform

    91% of educators

    said a BioBus visit positively influenced students’ attitudes about science through hands-on activities and equipment use

    12,643 K-12 students

    at underserved/Title 1 schools completed five or more Brilliant lessons in SY 2023-24

    76% of students

    participating in a Challenger Center mission reported the experience increased their motivation to participate in STEM, interest and self-efficacy in STEM, and knowledge of STEM careers

    80% of participants

    say Click2Science workshops help them be more effective afterschool professionals

    25% improvement

    in 1st and 2nd grade students’ foundational math knowledge after watching multiple Cyberchase episodes

    93% of educators

    say Future City led their students to learn about STEM concepts they are not regularly exposed to

    2x greater likelihood

    of reporting an improvement in STEM interest and attitudes for students participating in FIRST, compared to demographically similar comparison group students

    15.6 hours

    of hands-on, engaging, informal STEM learning that youth in Imagine Science chose—a 27.4% increase since 2021

    91% of district summer program slots filled,

    on average, with 74% filled by students identified as benefiting most from additional enrichment programming

    2x faster learning

    in foundational math skills for 4th-6th grade students playing NBA Math Hoops games, compared to comparison group students who did not play any games

    800,000+ students

    accessed and used engineering and computer science materials produced by the Museum of Science

    72% of students

    participating in 4-H report feeling comfortable using math skills in a work environment, compared to 49% of their non-4-H peers

    15% reduction

    in science and math anxiety for 3rd-6th grade summer Camp Invention participants who reported having at least some anxiety at the start of camp 

    13,000 students

    attended field trips online, in person, and in school from January to September 2024

    57% of the 146 participants

    at the National STEM Festival attend Title 1 schools 

    70,242 summer programs

    from 6,803 providers in 20,466 locations across the U.S. listed on the NSLA website 

    99% of educators

    reported they developed new knowledge and skills from the instructional support provided by Out Teach

    17% increase

    in knowledge and awareness of foundational math skills among parents and caregivers after participating in PBS SoCal’s Family Math programming

    7+ million students

    engaged with Science Buddies projects designed to enhance knowledge of science and engineering practices and grow interest in STEM

  • New JerseyNew Jersey

    New Jersey

    Helping children in New Jersey unlock their potential.

    60 students

    participated in a tuition-free, summer residential program for high-achieving high school juniors who have an interest in STEM

    8,200 Newark students and families

    will receive personalized literacy instruction, along with academic tools and resources from Reading Partners, through GreenLight Greater Newark’s second investment in the city

    77 students

    received scholarships to participate in virtual and in-person Center for Talented Youth programs, with an average award of $5,584

    21 teachers

    developed deeper mathematical thinking and refined pedagogical approaches, bringing newfound expertise to 2,200+ students in 15 districts across New Jersey

    22- and 18-percentage-point

    improvement in students achieving grade-level proficiency in math and literacy, respectively, in 12-20 weeks during SY 2023-24

    90,000+ New Jersey learners

    reached through hands-on STEM learning experiences, high-quality math and science instruction, and STEM career awareness programs through NJ STEM Month and the work of 7 regional STEM Learning Ecosystems

    43,935 students

    participated in Students 2 Science programs in 2024

    80 Net Promoter Score

    from families with children in Wildflower Schools in New Jersey, demonstrating positive school performance, culture, and health

Bright Spots

  • Unlocking InnovationUnlocking Innovation

    Unlocking Innovation

    Funding for organizations to develop and launch a new approach, intervention, or model that addresses an unmet need.


    prototypes generated


    early stage organizations funded

    Meet the Grantees
  • Unlocking EvidenceUnlocking Evidence

    Unlocking Evidence

    Funding to advance field knowledge or validate program models through comprehensive studies and research.


    validation and research studies completed


    grantees increased ESSA tier

    Meet the Grantees
  • Unlocking GrowthUnlocking Growth

    Unlocking Growth

    Funding for organizations to scale, as measured by increased earned revenue and reach, improved capacities, and follow-on funding.


    grantees increased reach


    grantees increased earned revenue

    Meet the Grantees

Download the 2024 Grantmaking & Impact Report